A Well-Placed Question

Jesus was known for asking questions. According to Bob Tiede of Biblical Leadership, the four gospels record 339 questions that Jesus asked. Others say the number is a little lower, but all agree that Jesus asked lots of questions. Tiede mentions, “He sometimes answered questions with questions of his own.” Jesus was the master of well-placed questions.Continue reading “A Well-Placed Question”

Learning from Revival  

I preached at a revival this past week in one of our great KBC churches. This church traditionally holds an annual revival—though it had not done so in recent years—inviting a guest preacher, worship leader and providing a meal for each service. They were such gracious hosts, and we had a wonderful week together.  Continue reading “Learning from Revival  “

A Night to Remember

Two weeks ago, Connie and I attended the International Mission Board missionary commissioning service held at North Phoenix Baptist Church in Phoenix, Ariz. Sixty-two of Southern Baptists’ best and brightest were sent out to the nations with the gospel. That is a really big deal.  The atmosphere for the evening gathering was celebratory and hope-filled.Continue reading “A Night to Remember”

Tips on Evangelistic Preaching

I am not an evangelist, but I am commanded by Scripture to do the work of one. Paul instructed Timothy in 2 Tim. 4:5, “do the work of an evangelist.” Every God-called preacher has an obligation and opportunity to figure out and carry out the work of an evangelist.  What do evangelists do? They shareContinue reading “Tips on Evangelistic Preaching”

Preach to Yourself

Followers of Jesus need preaching. Hearing God’s word preached reminds us of the goodness of our God and His gracious plan for His people. In a typical week, I will listen to the Sunday morning sermon from my home church as well as a couple of other preachers God has used in my life. PreachingContinue reading “Preach to Yourself”

Getting Healthy Enough to Evangelize

I wish every member of a Kentucky Baptist church could participate in the monthly Kentucky Baptist Convention staff forum.   Forum, as we call it, is a two-hour meeting where we celebrate ministry wins, challenge ourselves in our work, inform team members about upcoming ministry, employee benefits, etc. and talk about how we can improveContinue reading “Getting Healthy Enough to Evangelize”

Thank you, Gideons

This past Saturday I was asked to share a personal testimony at a gathering of Kentucky Gideons. Connie and I joined a group of about 150 Gideons and their wives at a restaurant near Simpsonville for a great time of reporting on their work and enjoying fellowship together.  For those who are not familiar withContinue reading “Thank you, Gideons”

5 Reasons We Need More Churches

Whenever the conversation of church planting comes up in Kentucky, someone will inevitably ask, “Why do we need more churches?” It’s a fair question. Anyone who has visited our great state knows that church buildings dot the landscape of each Kentucky county.  Kentucky Baptists have been prolific in planting churches. When we began in 1837,Continue reading “5 Reasons We Need More Churches”

Annual Meeting Takeaways

Last week we held the 186th Annual Meeting of the Kentucky Baptist Convention in Somerset, Ky. First Baptist Somerset was a great and gracious host church. Its pastor, Ryan Coffey, church staff and members were outstanding. There were 830 messengers in attendance with 313 guests and 362 churches represented.  It was an incredible celebration highlightingContinue reading “Annual Meeting Takeaways”

A Revitalization Story

I preached a weekend revival service recently for a Baptist church in the central part of our state. The pastor had prepared the church, made accommodations for me, invited a worship leader, planned our meals together and led the church to pray and attend. We had a wonderful time and experienced a sense of encouragementContinue reading “A Revitalization Story”