A Well-Placed Question

Jesus was known for asking questions. According to Bob Tiede of Biblical Leadership, the four gospels record 339 questions that Jesus asked. Others say the number is a little lower, but all agree that Jesus asked lots of questions. Tiede mentions, “He sometimes answered questions with questions of his own.” Jesus was the master of well-placed questions.Continue reading “A Well-Placed Question”

Visiting Clear Creek  

Driving into eastern Kentucky at any time of year is scenic, but especially in the spring. Trees are coming into bloom and the grass is turning green as the mountains are teeming with new life.  Turning off Hwy. 25E onto 190 in Bell County is also a blessing. Itis the final road leading up toContinue reading “Visiting Clear Creek  “

Fruit That Did not Last 

I had dinner recently with a couple who were saved and baptized in the last church I pastored. This couple has walked with Jesus for several years now and raised children who are following Christ. They are faithful in their local church and have intentionally ordered their lives as ambassadors for Jesus.   I rememberContinue reading “Fruit That Did not Last “

A Night to Remember

Two weeks ago, Connie and I attended the International Mission Board missionary commissioning service held at North Phoenix Baptist Church in Phoenix, Ariz. Sixty-two of Southern Baptists’ best and brightest were sent out to the nations with the gospel. That is a really big deal.  The atmosphere for the evening gathering was celebratory and hope-filled.Continue reading “A Night to Remember”

Why Join the SBC? 

Occasionally I hear someone say, “I am proud to be part of the Kentucky Baptist Convention but not so much the Southern Baptist Convention.” The person essentially means that they love their state convention but are not as happy about our national network.  I am always glad to hear that people love the KBC, butContinue reading “Why Join the SBC? “

Praise God for Sunrise!

In the same year that Ulysses S. Grant became president of the United States and the Cincinnati Reds were getting started, there was a lesser-known — but potentially more impactful event — happening in Louisville, Ky. The year was 1869 when three ladies from Walnut Street Baptist Church in Kentucky’s largest city saw a needContinue reading “Praise God for Sunrise!”

Why Associations?

Southern Baptists have formed lots of cooperating networks. Whether state conventions, national entities, state agencies and institutions, we have lots of them and God has honored our efforts at working together.   One example of our networking prowess is the local Baptist association. Baptist associations started in America in the early 1700s with the firstContinue reading “Why Associations?”

Preach to Yourself

Followers of Jesus need preaching. Hearing God’s word preached reminds us of the goodness of our God and His gracious plan for His people. In a typical week, I will listen to the Sunday morning sermon from my home church as well as a couple of other preachers God has used in my life. PreachingContinue reading “Preach to Yourself”

Welcome to 2024

I love starting a new year. There is excitement about what can happen, and the possibilities seem endless. My work schedule allows for a slower pace to finish out one year and prepare to start a new one in fresh ways.  Every January is an opportunity for us to think about the year ahead andContinue reading “Welcome to 2024”